To require all developments over a certain size in the Poolbeg SDZ to provide 5% of units for social, cultural, creative and artistic purposes. It relates to motion 1046.18 May '17
To relocate the proposed commercial buffer at the Poolbeg SDZ. It relates to motion 1093.18 May '17
To relocate the proposed commercial buffer at the Poolbeg SDZ. It relates to motion 1049.18 May '17
Of the 3,500 new homes permissible on the Poolbeg SDZ under this planning scheme, 900 will be delivered as either social and/or affordable units, and, in addition, Dublin City Council will be given an option to acquire 100 housing units at market rate.18 May '17
To relocate the proposed commercial buffer at the Poolbeg SDZ. It relates to motion 1095.18 May '17