A request to consider 900 as a minimum figure was previously raised in Sinn Fein's submission on the material alterations.
"For this change to be realistic, the Council would need to be satisfied that some figure in excess of 900 units could be achieved. The matter of the quantum of units achievable was discussed in detail at the Council Special Meeting on May 18th 2017, whereby a range of motions were considered and agreement reached (by vote) on the wording to be included in the material alteration.
This said, it should be noted that a minimum of 350 units would be delivered as social housing as per the text of the proposed alteration, and that under the Part V provisions there is no impediment to any person from using more than 10% of residential land for social housing.”
The text of the proposed material alteration presents the best case position that can be achieved, given limitations of planning and related legislation, and also is the outcome of the commitment to enter an agreement between Dublin City Council, the DHPLG, and the owners/developers of the SDZ scheme."