From the council's minutes of the meeting: "Report No. 308/2022 of the Assistant Chief Executive (R. Shakespeare) - Draft Section 48 Development Contribution Scheme 2023-2026.
"The following amendment to Report 308/2022 was proposed by Councillors Michael Pigeon, Hazel Chu, Donna Cooney, Claire Byrne, Janet Horner, Dearbháil Butler, Carolyn Moore, Lord Mayor Caroline Conroy and Deputy Lord Mayor Darcy Lonergan:
"In point 10 ('Circumstances where no contribution or a reduced contribution apply'), remove the bullet points reading 'Ancillary uncovered surface car parking'; and 'Residential ancillary car parking';
"In point 11, ('The following development will be liable for a reduced rate of
development contributions under the Scheme'), remove the bullet point reading
'Commercial non-surface ancillary car parking and commercial undercroft car parking, will be calculated at 75% of the applicable rate of contribution';
"In point 11, ('The following development will be liable for a reduced rate of
development contributions under the Scheme'), add a bullet point reading 'Residential ancillary car parking, will be calculated at 25% of the applicable rate of contribution';
"In point 9, Note 2, remove the phrase 'With the exception of ancillary non-residential surface car parking', so that the opening sentence of Note 2 reads 'The floor area of proposed development shall be calculated as the gross floor area.'
"In point 9, at the end of Note 2, append the phrase: 'In all cases, the floor area of
proposed development shall be calculated to include car parking'.
"The motion was put to a vote and carried [by roll-call vote] … It was [then] proposed by Councillor Paddy McCartan and seconded by Councillor Mannix Flynn that Dublin City Council adopt Report No. 308/2022 The Draft Section 48 Development Contribution Scheme 2023-26 as amended. The motion was put and carried" by voice vote.