Motions 1520, 1521 and 1524.
Motion 1520 (Cllr. Tom Brabazon, Cllr. Frank Kennedy, Cllr. Jim O'Callaghan): This City Council agrees to delete the last paragraph in chapter 16.10.1 Residential Quality Standard – Apartments Mix of Residential Units and which reads:
“In addition, up to a quarter of the one-bedroom units in certain residential schemes may be for studios with a minimum floor area of 45 square metres. This provision only applies to long-term purpose-built managed schemes with over 100 units, developed under the “built to rent” model and located in the inner city docklands areas. As part of this model, such schemes must provide for on-site residential amenity spaces such as common rooms, gyms, studies areas at 3 square metres (min) per unit (in addition to the open space standards). This managed rental model shall be retained in single ownership for 20 years (min) during which period units may not be sold off on a piecemeal basis”.
Reason: The reduction in size of the minimum floor area for one-bedroom units will create units that are not sufficiently spacious for a single occupant. Units of 45 square metres should not be sanctioned by the City Council in any new apartment, irrespective of whether it only applies to long term purpose built managed schemes with over 100 units, developed under the Build to Rent Model and located in the inner city docklands area.
The requirement that such schemes would have to provide for on-site residential amenity spaces such as common rooms, gyms, studio areas is too vague and may result in wholly inadequate residential amenity spaces being provided in inappropriate on-site areas.
Motion 1521 (Green party group): On page 272 to delete the last paragraph, the first sentence of which reads:
“In addition, up to one quarter of the one-bedroom units in certain residential schemes may be for studios with a minimum floor area of 45 sqm. …”. Reason: to ensure quality development standards.
Motion 1524 (Deputy Lord Mayor Cieran Perry): The proposal to introduce studio apartment size to 45m2 should be omitted.
Reason: To maintain residential accommodation standards. North-facing single aspect apartments should not be permitted without exception. Reason: In the interest of maintaining quality standards.
Motions 1520, 1521 and 1524 were grouped together for a vote.