To retain the Z6 zoning as per the material alteration motion passed by Development Plan meeting of City Council June 2016.
This site currently provides a range of light industrial and enterprise uses and current zoning should not be amended until a spatial planning exercise is carried out for the Harold’s Cross Area, in the form of a Local Area Plan.
Such a spatial planning approach would help ascertain the most appropriate zoning and future use of the site.
Reason: There are a number of reasons for retaining the Z6 zoning. Firstly,
accessibility issues. This backland site is poorly serviced by two very narrow access roads Greenmount Ave and Greenmount Lane, the latter which leads on to Parnell Rd.
The current level of traffic is a major imposition for people living on Greenmount Ave and Greenmount Lane. There is no detailed argument provided in the submissions to the City Council outlining the impact that a residential Z1 residential would have on existing traffic.
It is implied that it would have the effect of reducing traffic, but this is not substantiated, indeed it is likely that residential use would result in increased traffic flow problems.
Secondly, the retention of the Z6 zoning would protect an existing mixed use enterprise and employment centre in the vibrant urban village of Harold’s Cross.
The current Z6 zoning provides for a mix of uses on this former historical industrial site, including, light industrial, enterprise, office and indoor recreational uses.
The zoning being retained is Z6 the objective of which is “To provide for the creation and protection of enterprise and facilitate opportunities for employment creation”.
This is not a ‘heavy industrial’ zoning rather it is one that facilitates a broad range of uses, including light industry, science and technology industries, cultural, and creative and artistic enterprises among others. Indeed incidental residential development, which is subsidiary to the predominant use, is open for consideration, thus allowing a broad mix of uses on this site. This is the appropriate zoning for a mixed use employment facility of this nature and in this location. This allows a vibrant
mix of uses in close proximity to the core of Harold’s Cross. This contributes to sustainable urban living as it facilitates people living, working and accessing a range of recreational
facilities in a single area.
This is a significant site in terms of its scale and extent and it is essential that prior to any rezoning a proper Spatial planning examination of the area is carried out through a Local Area Plan, an objective for which is now included in the Draft Development Plan. This would
allow for a democratic way of involving the residents of Harold’s Cross and The Harold’s Cross Village Community Council to ensure sustainable development and to address issues of mixed use development, traffic management and movement issues including safe and viable access and egress to this site.
Finally, this is an area that has experienced the direct consequence of flood damage in recent years and while the buildings in the Greenmount industrial estate themselves have
not been the subject of flooding the access road to the site has flooded. A Statutory Local Area Plan would allow the issue of flood risk management and mitigation to be considered in a coherent and integrated manner throughout the area, including on this site.